How To Find If My Boyfriend Is On Tinder. You must provide the exact first name as it appears on facebook of the person you are searching for. Now if you want to know if someone has a Tinder account then visit the Google advanced search tool then type in the search box the persons first name last name and any possible username he may use. Does that mean hes cheating. Its called Swipe Buster and requires you to enter a first name age and location to pull information on anyone that matches those parameters.
All you have to do to find your boyfriend is enter their name in the search bar in the app and click on them. This is why we suggest that you try what we call the best solution to find out if your boyfriend is on Tinder. If your relations are quite harmonized and free of quarrels it will be easy to learn the truth and solve the problem. How To Find Out If Your Boyfriend Is On Tinder Method 1. Does that mean hes cheating. If your boyfriend swipes on tinder without ever talking to other women this is a good sign that hes just looking to be desired and coveted by other women.
The steps are incredibly simple.
Open up Tinder and look at your matches. There is an alternative way to find out easily which is called SwipeBuster. SwipeBuster is a website also known as The Tinder Sneak because it lets you know if your boyfriendgirlfriend is cheating you through this app paying a very affordable price of around 4 euros. Methods of Finding out if Your Boyfriend is on Tinder. If youre on Tinder looking for a boyfriend sexuality must be portrayed very subtly. How to find out if your boyfriend or husband is on tinder.